For those who are unaware, here in Alabama, it has been uncovered that there are quite a few sexually explicit books in local libraries throughout the state that children have unrestricted access to; as well as books promoting LGBT ideology. And because of that, a cause has begun months ago to challenge the appropriate library authorities, not simply to ban the books (although that would be great), but simply to move them to a restricted location where children don’t have free access to pornographic material. You would think that this would be a noble cause, but apparently it is not. As someone who spoke at one of the last city council meetings on this subject, my message of how sexually promiscuous the culture has become, and my recommendation on simply restricting access (not removing access), had me labeled by the left as a “loser”, “extremist,” and “religious terrorist.”
A few weeks after that council meeting, as many of you know, I was privileged to take part on a panel where we had a chance to discuss our concerns with this issue publicly. There was the founder of 1819 News Agency, the founder of Clean Up Alabama, a board member for the same organization, and me. Each of us had a specific area we wanted to focus on in the discussion, and mine obviously was the Christian/Biblical perspective. The majority in the audience were likeminded on this issue, I don’t know their religious affiliation (or if they even had one), but the majority had the same convictions as us to either have these books banned or at the very least, restricted from children. And as expected, there were a few antagonists in the audience, but for the most part it was a peaceful discussion.
During the discussion, one of my focuses was on the startling statistics and research studies that show how an LGBT lifestyle is often found to be much more sexually promiscuous than a heterosexual relationship, as well as a lifestyle that often veils underlying emotional or mental disorders and traumas. I also provided research data that revealed one’s introduction into pornography is most often around ages 8-13 years old. These studies, which I can provide links to upon request, came from the National Institutes of Health, as well from numerous psychology organizations, to include the American Psychological Association. If studies and psychological experts are drawing these conclusions from research and counseling sessions, why would anyone seek to argue against the data? And if this information is true and fairly represented, why would anyone want to continue living such a lifestyle?
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:1-5, KJV)
I have never been a date-setter, but we have got to be close to the return of Christ. Does this not identify, not only America, not only Europe, but almost the entire globe? That the mass of humanity is prideful, arrogant, seeking to fulfill their own desires, loving hedonism more than God, and on and on? The closer we get to the return of Christ, the more that wrong will be called right, and right will be called wrong, and people will hate, not only Biblical principles, but also people who hold them to be moral. And though it is not a popular opinion today, the LGBT lifestyle is against God’s design for sex and sexuality, it’s immoral, and a physically and mentally dangerous lifestyle.
But because people are simply looking to be “happy”, many have fell for the lie that changing gender, or following “your heart” will provide the happiness they are searching for. And because of this, many are taking hormone therapy, having surgery to mutilate and remove body parts, or dressing like the opposite sex. Rather than trying to discover the root issue of why someone wants to become the opposite gender than which they were born, they take to social media and social engineering to be told how they should respond with their feelings. I’m sorry, but the word “feeling” has seemingly monopolized the actions of which culture takes. It’s all about what I feel, how I feel, how someone else feels, and on and on. Because of “feelings” people who disagree with another’s view is considered intolerant or hateful, regardless of if they have “facts” on their side. And all the while, Satan is laughing at the madness that he has ushered in into a once, Biblical nation.
Ignorantly, the American culture has adopted two Satanic slogans. The first came from the Father of Lies back in Genesis 3:1, “hath God said.” Challenging Eve to question God’s goodness, morality, and His word, Eve was duped and was a catalyst for the Fall. The second Satanic slogan that has been adopted comes from the 20th century occultist, Aleister Crowley, “Do What Thou Wilt.” In other words, do what you want to do, under the guise of love. So now, the further we get from the Bible, the more and more hedonistic and immoral the society becomes. Homosexual relationships are rising, transgenderism is rising, actual diagnosis of mental disorders such as gender dysphoria are being relabeled and ignored. All the while society grows more intolerant of Biblical values and principles, and of those who choose to live and promote a godly lifestyle.
So, what do we do with these days upon us? When good is called evil, and evil is called good. When the voices in favor of the Bible are seemingly being muted in favor of an Satanic and occultic mantra? When people like me are called a “religious terrorist?” What do we do?
It’s time the Church stands on the truth of God’s word and becomes ambassadors and advocates for godliness amid an ungodly world. No Christian should be ashamed of standing for moral principles of God, nor of naming His name in public. It’s high time that the Church, stands unabashedly on the word of God. If committing adultery is a sin, then those in adultery need to be confronted. If murder is a sin, then murderers need to be held accountable. If pride is a sin, then it needs to be rebuked. If LGBT lifestyle is a sin, then it needs to be challenged. The Church has got to stop caring about what others will think, say, or do, and instead care about what God will think, say, or do, if we don’t stand up as His ambassadors! How many pastors and church leaders do you think attended any of the city council meetings on the library subject? What about this panel I was privileged to be on? The answer…one or two. And that’s a disgrace! Many Christians have grown weak and cowardly, being shaped by an ungodly society and stale for the things of God. It’s time for those of you who have been hiding to get up, and STAND.
Not only do Christians need to stand, but the Christians need to stand in the love of Jesus Christ. When the woman was caught in adultery in John 8, Jesus didn’t approve of her lifestyle, but forgave her and told her to “sin no more” (John 8:11). When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, He didn’t approve of her promiscuous lifestyle, but He did lovingly confront her about it, and then told her of her need to believe on Him for everlasting life. If Jesus can love people without compromising the truth, then we can also.
This means that when someone is living contrary to God’s ways, and if we are led by the Spirit to say something, we must speak gracious words of truth in love. This doesn’t mean yelling hate speech, but by lovingly speaking with the person about your concern in their situation, and how Jesus can offer the victory to overcome. To express concern for the lifestyle being chosen and its dangers. We need to engage people with grace and love, while not compromising on the truth of the word of God.
For those Christians that are currently seeking to be an advocate for God’s word, and engaged in the battles they are led to, I thank you. I am reminded of the words of Christ of which blessings and rewards are promised in standing firm
11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12, KJV)
For those who name the name of Christ, compromise on His word, and condone or approve sinful choices that clearly violate Biblical commands,
12 Therefore thus will I do to you, O Israel; Because I will do this to you, Prepare to meet your God, O Israel! (Amos 4:12, KJV)
While I understand this prophecy was spoken to Israel in the Old Testament, the principle rings true for all believers, that there will be a day of accounting where every Christian will stand before Christ and their service to Him will be judged. And for those of you who are sitting in the stands of the society, rooting against God’s written word, you cowardly Christians, what will you say to Jesus when you are confronted with the fact you championed Crowley’s evil motto?
The line has been drawn in the sand, the question is, which side of the line will you stand on?
15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua 24:15, KJV)
Rant over.